Youth Art - 410116

Cartooning and Comic Book Writing

$90.00 - $120.00

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Activity Details

Cartooning and Comic Book Writing

Meeting Details

Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Days: Sun
Herndon Com Center
814 Ferndale Avenue
Herndon, VA, 20170


Sun 03/31


Age older than or equal to 8.00 and younger than or equal to 12.99. The date used for calculating the age is Transaction Date.
Registration Start date
NOT 14 after start date
Family Member Category of TOH.
Registration Start date
NOT 14 after start date
Family Member Category of Non-Resident.

Cartooning and Comic Book Writing

Students learn the process professional cartoonists and manga artists use to create their stories. They discuss what makes a good comic, then learn the basic elements of storytelling and character design. Each student will write and draw their own comic book to take home at the end of the session.


Charge When Not Billed:
TOH Instructional Classes (Standard Fee): $90.00
Charge When Not Billed:
NR Instructional Classes (Standard Fee): $120.00
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